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Global Forecast System (GFS) Weather History
Start time (UTC):
End time (UTC):
Format: lat1,lon1; lat2,lon2; ...
Best (4-layer) Lifted Index (K) - surface -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 0.01 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 0.02 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 0.04 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 0.07 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 0.1 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 0.2 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 0.4 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 0.7 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 1 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 2 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 3 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 5 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 7 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 10 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 15 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 20 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 30 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 40 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 50 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 70 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 100 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 150 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 200 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 250 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 300 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 350 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 400 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 450 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 500 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 550 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 600 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 650 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 700 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 750 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 800 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 850 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 900 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 925 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 950 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 975 mb -
Absolute Vorticity (1/s) - 1000 mb -
Convective Precipitation (kg/m^2) - surface -
Albedo (%) - surface -
Total Precipitation (kg/m^2) - surface -
Apparent Temperature (K) - 2 m above ground -
Convective Available Potential Energy (J/kg) - surface -
Convective Available Potential Energy (J/kg) - 180-0 mb above ground -
Convective Available Potential Energy (J/kg) - 90-0 mb above ground -
Convective Available Potential Energy (J/kg) - 255-0 mb above ground -
Categorical Freezing Rain (yes=1/no=0) - surface -
Categorical Ice Pellets (yes=1/no=0) - surface -
Convective Inhibition (J/kg) - surface -
Convective Inhibition (J/kg) - 180-0 mb above ground -
Convective Inhibition (J/kg) - 90-0 mb above ground -
Convective Inhibition (J/kg) - 255-0 mb above ground -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 1 hybrid level -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 50 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 100 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 150 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 200 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 250 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 300 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 350 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 400 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 450 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 500 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 550 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 600 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 650 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 700 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 750 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 800 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 850 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 900 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 925 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 950 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 975 mb -
Cloud Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 1000 mb -
Condensed Water (kg/kg) - surface -
Cloudy Point of Freezing (°C) - surface -
Convective Precipitation Rate (kg/m^2/s) - surface -
Categorical Rain (yes=1/no=0) - surface -
Categorical Snow (yes=1/no=0) - surface -
Cloud Water (kg/m^2) - entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) -
Cloud Work Function (J/kg) - entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) -
Downward Longwave Radiation Flux (W/m^2) - surface -
Dew Point Temperature (K) - 2 m above ground -
Downward Shortwave Radiation Flux (W/m^2) - surface -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 0.01 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 0.02 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 0.04 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 0.07 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 0.1 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 0.2 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 0.4 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 0.7 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 1 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 2 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 3 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 5 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 7 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 10 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 15 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 20 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 30 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 40 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 50 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 70 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 100 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 150 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 200 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 250 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 300 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 350 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 400 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 450 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 500 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 550 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 600 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 650 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 700 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 750 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 800 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 850 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 900 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 925 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 950 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 975 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) (Pa/s) - 1000 mb -
Field Capacity (fraction) - surface -
Friction Velocity (m/s) - surface -
Ground Heat Flux (W/m^2) - surface -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 1 hybrid level -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 50 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 100 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 150 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 200 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 250 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 300 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 350 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 400 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 450 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 500 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 550 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 600 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 650 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 700 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 750 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 800 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 850 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 900 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 925 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 950 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 975 mb -
Graupel (Sleet) (kg/kg) - 1000 mb -
Wind Gust Speed (m/s) - surface -
High Cloud Cover (%) - high cloud layer -
Geopotential Height (m) - 0.01 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 0.02 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 0.04 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 0.07 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 0.1 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 0.2 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 0.4 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 0.7 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 1 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 2 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 3 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 5 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 7 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 10 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 15 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 20 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 30 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 40 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 50 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 70 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 100 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 150 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 200 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 250 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 300 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 350 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 400 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 450 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 500 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 550 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 600 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 650 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 700 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 750 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 800 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 850 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 900 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 925 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 950 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 975 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - 1000 mb -
Geopotential Height (m) - surface -
Geopotential Height (m) - cloud ceiling -
Geopotential Height (m) - tropopause -
Geopotential Height (m) - max wind -
Geopotential Height (m) - 0C isotherm -
Geopotential Height (m) - highest tropospheric freezing level -
Geopotential Height (m) - PV=2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
Geopotential Height (m) - PV=-2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
Haines Index (Index) - surface -
Helicity (m^2/s^2) - 3000-0 m above ground -
Planetary Boundary Layer Height (m) - surface -
Icing Altitude (m) - tropopause -
Icing Altitude (m) - max wind -
Ice Cover (fraction) - surface -
Ice Growth Rate (kg/m^2) - 10 m above mean sea level -
Ice Thickness (m) - surface -
Ice Temperature (K) - surface -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 1 hybrid level -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 50 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 100 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 150 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 200 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 250 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 300 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 350 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 400 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 450 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 500 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 550 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 600 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 650 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 700 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 750 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 800 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 850 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 900 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 925 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 950 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 975 mb -
Ice Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 1000 mb -
Land Cover (1=land, 0=sea) (1/0) - surface -
Low Cloud Cover (%) - low cloud layer -
Surface Lifted Index (K) - surface -
Latent Heat Flux (W/m^2) - surface -
Middle Cloud Cover (%) - middle cloud layer -
Mean Sea Level Pressure (Reduced) (Pa) - mean sea level -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 0.01 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 0.02 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 0.04 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 0.07 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 0.1 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 0.2 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 0.4 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 0.7 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 1 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 2 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 3 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 5 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 7 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 10 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 15 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 20 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 30 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 40 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 50 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 70 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 100 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 150 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 200 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 250 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 300 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 350 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 400 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 450 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 500 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 550 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 600 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 650 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 700 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 750 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 800 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 850 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 900 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 925 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 950 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 975 mb -
Ozone Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 1000 mb -
Potential Evaporation Rate (kg/m^2/s) - surface -
Pressure of Level from which Parcel was Lifted (Pa) - 255-0 mb above ground -
Potential Temperature (K) - 0.995 sigma level -
Precipitation Rate (kg/m^2/s) - surface -
Pressure (Pa) - surface -
Pressure (Pa) - convective cloud bottom level -
Pressure (Pa) - low cloud bottom level -
Pressure (Pa) - middle cloud bottom level -
Pressure (Pa) - high cloud bottom level -
Pressure (Pa) - convective cloud top level -
Pressure (Pa) - low cloud top level -
Pressure (Pa) - middle cloud top level -
Pressure (Pa) - high cloud top level -
Pressure (Pa) - tropopause -
Pressure (Pa) - max wind -
Pressure (Pa) - 80 m above ground -
Pressure (Pa) - PV=2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
Pressure (Pa) - PV=-2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
Pressure Reduced to MSL (Pa) - mean sea level -
Precipitable Water (kg/m^2) - entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) -
Composite Reflectivity (dBZ) - entire atmosphere -
Reflectivity (dBZ) - 1 hybrid level -
Reflectivity (dBZ) - 2 hybrid level -
Reflectivity (dBZ) - 4000 m above ground -
Reflectivity (dBZ) - 1000 m above ground -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.01 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.02 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.04 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.07 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.1 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.2 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.4 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.7 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 1 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 2 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 3 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 5 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 7 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 10 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 15 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 20 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 30 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 40 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 50 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 70 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 100 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 150 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 200 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 250 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 300 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 350 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 400 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 450 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 500 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 550 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 600 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 650 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 700 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 750 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 800 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 850 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 900 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 925 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 950 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 975 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 1000 mb -
Relative Humidity (%) - 2 m above ground -
Relative Humidity (%) - entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0C isotherm -
Relative Humidity (%) - highest tropospheric freezing level -
Relative Humidity (%) - 30-0 mb above ground -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.33-1 sigma layer -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.44-1 sigma layer -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.72-0.94 sigma layer -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.44-0.72 sigma layer -
Relative Humidity (%) - 0.995 sigma level -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 1 hybrid level -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 50 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 100 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 150 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 200 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 250 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 300 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 350 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 400 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 450 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 500 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 550 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 600 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 650 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 700 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 750 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 800 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 850 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 900 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 925 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 950 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 975 mb -
Rain Water Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 1000 mb -
Surface Roughness (m) - surface -
Sensible Heat Flux (W/m^2) - surface -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 1 hybrid level -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 50 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 100 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 150 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 200 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 250 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 300 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 350 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 400 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 450 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 500 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 550 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 600 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 650 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 700 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 750 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 800 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 850 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 900 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 925 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 950 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 975 mb -
Snow Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) - 1000 mb -
Snow Depth (m) - surface -
Soil Liquid Water Layer (kg/m^2) - 0-0.1 m below ground -
Soil Liquid Water Layer (kg/m^2) - 0.1-0.4 m below ground -
Soil Liquid Water Layer (kg/m^2) - 0.4-1 m below ground -
Soil Liquid Water Layer (kg/m^2) - 1-2 m below ground -
Volumetric Soil Moisture Content (fraction) - 0-0.1 m below ground -
Volumetric Soil Moisture Content (fraction) - 0.1-0.4 m below ground -
Volumetric Soil Moisture Content (fraction) - 0.4-1 m below ground -
Volumetric Soil Moisture Content (fraction) - 1-2 m below ground -
Soil Type (Index) - surface -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 0.01 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 0.02 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 0.04 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 0.07 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 0.1 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 0.2 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 0.4 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 0.7 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 1 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 2 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 3 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 5 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 7 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 10 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 15 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 20 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 30 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 40 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 50 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 70 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 100 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 150 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 200 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 250 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 300 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 350 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 400 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 450 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 500 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 550 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 600 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 650 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 700 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 750 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 800 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 850 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 900 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 925 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 950 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 975 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 1000 mb -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 2 m above ground -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 80 m above ground -
Specific Humidity (kg/kg) - 30-0 mb above ground -
Sunshine Duration (seconds) - surface -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 50 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 100 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 150 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 200 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 250 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 300 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 350 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 400 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 450 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 500 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 550 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 600 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 650 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 700 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 750 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 800 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 850 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 900 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 925 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 950 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 975 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - 1000 mb -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - entire atmosphere -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - convective cloud layer -
Total Cloud Cover (%) - boundary layer cloud layer -
Maximum Temperature (K) - 2 m above ground -
Minimum Temperature (K) - 2 m above ground -
Temperature (K) - 0.01 mb -
Temperature (K) - 0.02 mb -
Temperature (K) - 0.04 mb -
Temperature (K) - 0.07 mb -
Temperature (K) - 0.1 mb -
Temperature (K) - 0.2 mb -
Temperature (K) - 0.4 mb -
Temperature (K) - 0.7 mb -
Temperature (K) - 1 mb -
Temperature (K) - 2 mb -
Temperature (K) - 3 mb -
Temperature (K) - 5 mb -
Temperature (K) - 7 mb -
Temperature (K) - 10 mb -
Temperature (K) - 15 mb -
Temperature (K) - 20 mb -
Temperature (K) - 30 mb -
Temperature (K) - 40 mb -
Temperature (K) - 50 mb -
Temperature (K) - 70 mb -
Temperature (K) - 100 mb -
Temperature (K) - 150 mb -
Temperature (K) - 200 mb -
Temperature (K) - 250 mb -
Temperature (K) - 300 mb -
Temperature (K) - 350 mb -
Temperature (K) - 400 mb -
Temperature (K) - 450 mb -
Temperature (K) - 500 mb -
Temperature (K) - 550 mb -
Temperature (K) - 600 mb -
Temperature (K) - 650 mb -
Temperature (K) - 700 mb -
Temperature (K) - 750 mb -
Temperature (K) - 800 mb -
Temperature (K) - 850 mb -
Temperature (K) - 900 mb -
Temperature (K) - 925 mb -
Temperature (K) - 950 mb -
Temperature (K) - 975 mb -
Temperature (K) - 1000 mb -
Temperature (K) - surface -
Temperature (K) - 2 m above ground -
Temperature (K) - low cloud top level -
Temperature (K) - middle cloud top level -
Temperature (K) - high cloud top level -
Temperature (K) - tropopause -
Temperature (K) - max wind -
Temperature (K) - 80 m above ground -
Temperature (K) - 100 m above ground -
Temperature (K) - 1829 m above mean sea level -
Temperature (K) - 2743 m above mean sea level -
Temperature (K) - 3658 m above mean sea level -
Temperature (K) - 30-0 mb above ground -
Temperature (K) - 0.995 sigma level -
Temperature (K) - PV=2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
Temperature (K) - PV=-2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
Total Ozone (Dobson) - entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) -
Soil Temperature (K) - 0-0.1 m below ground -
Soil Temperature (K) - 0.1-0.4 m below ground -
Soil Temperature (K) - 0.4-1 m below ground -
Soil Temperature (K) - 1-2 m below ground -
Zonal Gravity Wave Stress (N/m^2) - surface -
Momentum Flux, U Component (N/m^2) - surface -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - planetary boundary layer -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.01 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.02 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.04 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.07 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.1 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.2 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.4 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.7 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 1 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 2 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 3 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 5 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 7 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 10 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 15 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 20 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 30 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 40 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 50 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 70 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 100 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 150 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 200 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 250 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 300 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 350 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 400 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 450 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 500 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 550 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 600 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 650 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 700 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 750 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 800 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 850 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 900 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 925 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 950 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 975 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 1000 mb -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 10 m above ground -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - tropopause -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - max wind -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 20 m above ground -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 30 m above ground -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 40 m above ground -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 50 m above ground -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 80 m above ground -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 100 m above ground -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 1829 m above mean sea level -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 2743 m above mean sea level -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 3658 m above mean sea level -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 30-0 mb above ground -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.995 sigma level -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - PV=2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
U Component of Wind (m/s) - PV=-2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
Upward Longwave Radiation Flux (W/m^2) - surface -
Upward Longwave Radiation Flux (W/m^2) - top of atmosphere -
U Component Storm Motion (m/s) - 6000-0 m above ground -
Upward Shortwave Radiation Flux (W/m^2) - surface -
Upward Shortwave Radiation Flux (W/m^2) - top of atmosphere -
Meridional Gravity Wave Stress (N/m^2) - surface -
Vegetation (%) - surface -
Momentum Flux, V Component (N/m^2) - surface -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - planetary boundary layer -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.01 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.02 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.04 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.07 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.1 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.2 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.4 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.7 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 1 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 2 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 3 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 5 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 7 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 10 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 15 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 20 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 30 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 40 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 50 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 70 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 100 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 150 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 200 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 250 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 300 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 350 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 400 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 450 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 500 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 550 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 600 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 650 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 700 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 750 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 800 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 850 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 900 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 925 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 950 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 975 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 1000 mb -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 10 m above ground -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - tropopause -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - max wind -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 20 m above ground -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 30 m above ground -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 40 m above ground -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 50 m above ground -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 80 m above ground -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 100 m above ground -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 1829 m above mean sea level -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 2743 m above mean sea level -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 3658 m above mean sea level -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 30-0 mb above ground -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - 0.995 sigma level -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - PV=2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
V Component of Wind (m/s) - PV=-2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
Visibility (m) - surface -
Vertical Speed Shear (1/s) - planetary boundary layer -
Vertical Speed at Maximum Wind (m/s) - 6000-0 m above ground -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 0.01 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 0.02 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 0.04 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 0.07 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 0.1 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 0.2 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 0.4 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 0.7 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 1 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 2 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 3 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 5 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 7 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 10 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 15 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 20 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 30 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 40 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 50 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 70 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 100 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 150 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 200 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 250 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 300 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 350 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 400 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 450 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 500 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 550 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 600 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 650 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 700 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 750 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 800 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 850 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 900 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 925 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 950 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 975 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 1000 mb -
Vertical Velocity (Pa/s) - 0.995 sigma level -
Vertical Wind Shear (1/s) - tropopause -
Vertical Wind Shear (1/s) - PV=2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
Vertical Wind Shear (1/s) - PV=-2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface -
Water Runoff (kg/m^2) - surface -
Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth (kg/m^2) - surface -
Wilting Point (fraction) - surface -
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