
NOAA Weather models

Model Code Domain Resolution Update Frequency Forecast Period Available From Primary Use Cases
NBM nbm United States 2.5–5 km Hourly 264 hours 2020-09-29 Probabilistic forecasts, decision support, public safety.
GFS gfs Global 0.25° (~28 km) 6 hourly 384 hours 2021-03-22 Long-term global forecasts, aviation, agriculture.
RAP rap North America 13 km Hourly 51 hours 2021-02-22 Short-term weather events, aviation, disaster response.
HRRR hrrr United States 3 km Hourly 48 hours 2014-07-30 Localized severe weather, renewable energy forecasting.
GraphCast GFS gfs Global 0.25° (~28 km) 6 hourly runs, 6 hour horizon steps 384 hours 2024-04-25 Experimental forecasts, research, and policy planning.
Chem GEFS gefschem Global 0.25° (~28 km) 6 hourly runs, 3 hour horizon steps 120 hours 2020-10-01 Air quality forecasting, environmental monitoring, and research on atmospheric chemistry.
Wave Prob GEFS gefswaveprob Global 0.25° (~28 km) 6 hourly runs, 3 hour horizon steps 384 hours 2020-10-01 Maritime navigation, offshore operations, coastal management, and recreational marine activities.
Atmos Mean GEFS gefsatmosmean Global 0.25° (~28 km) 6 hourly runs, 3 hour horizon steps 240 hours 2020-10-01 General weather forecasting, agricultural planning, emergency management, and public safety.
Radiative Fluxes CFS cfsflxf Global 1.0° (~111 km) 4 daily runs, 6-hour horizon steps 5160 hours 2018-10-31 Climate modeling, land surface interactions, radiation and energy flux studies.
Pressure Level CFS cfspgbf Global 1.0° (~111 km) 4 daily runs, 6-hour horizon steps 5160 hours 2018-10-31 General weather forecasting, seasonal climate prediction, and extreme event analysis.
Isentropic Level CFS cfsipvf Global 1.0° (~111 km) 4 daily runs, 6-hour horizon steps 5160 hours 2018-10-31 Upper-atmosphere dynamics, jet stream analysis, and potential vorticity studies.
Ocean CFS cfsocnf Global 1.0° (~111 km) 4 daily runs, 6-hour horizon steps 5160 hours 2018-10-31 Long-range ocean dynamics, sea surface temperature forecasting, and climate variability studies.

Rapid Refresh (RAP)


High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR)


National Blend of Models (NBM)


Global Forecast System (GFS)


GraphCast Global Forecast System (GraphCast GFS)


Global Ensemble Forecast System (Chem GEFS)


Global Ensemble Forecast System (Wave Prob GEFS)


Global Ensemble Forecast System (Atmos Mean GEFS)


Climate Forecast System (Radiative Fluxes CFS)


Climate Forecast System (Pressure Level CFS)


Climate Forecast System (Isentropic Level CFS)


Climate Forecast System (Ocean CFS)
